Chu Choice Brand

츄 초이스

It’s Chu Choice.

All About Health.

About Life.

About You.

Safety is Our Choice

Chu Choice team has been working alongside thousands of women in Asia, who have strong health and brimmed with confidence. They are the prototypes of women of new generations, who have clear intentions and set achievable goals. In terms, body health and wellness, they are looking out for products, which allow them to be stronger physically, good-looking, empowering with confidence, and also safe to consume. These are some of the inspirations, which push us to set out this journey to develop a brand and better products that cannot be matched by the existing offerings, genuinely beneficial for consumers and stakeholders.

This is our biggest challenge to redefine the weight management industry (Redesign Weight Management) and our pride for working day and night is here Chu Choice… The Future of Safe Weight Management Product.

Honesty and Sincerity are Our Choices

It has been so long that we have been hearing of supplement products that contain strange-hearing ingredients that are from places around the world that seem impossible to obtain, yet it is being used for commercials. These brands tend to intentionally confuse consumers about what they really offer, which eventually poses the potential health risks faced by consumers and that oftentimes, lead to negative perceptions of this category of products. Creating such beliefs is never ever the way of doing business for Chu Choice.

Consumer Safety

Consumers’ Safety is Our Choice

Chu Choice is a health supplement brand, which has been extensively researched and developed alongside a leading lab and manufacturer based in South Korea, with facilities also located in the world’s renowned locations for healthcare and wellness such as, Australia and the USA. Reliability and safety are our main priorities. Our partner holds thousands of patents for Health and Food Tech. There have been clinical trials and guarantees of results and safety through certifications received in different continents. Besides, they are one of South Korea’s top companies, being listed on the stock exchange.

Transparency is Our Choice

Consumers have the right to know what is being put into their body, where it is from and what the benefits are. Every ingredient Chu Choice has used, we have placed utmost importance in selecting the top ingredients out of thousands of ingredients available from different continents ranging from North and South America, Europe and Asia. On our label, the use of simple language and a clear list of ingredients for consumers to be able to understand more easily is prioritized.

Backed By Science

Results are Backed by Science

Chu Choice’s goal since the initial development has always been result-centric, seeing positive results on consumers as promised with safety in mind. The focus is on Weight Management for Asians. Every offer is backed by studies and science conducted over thousands of hours alongside all the stakeholders, ranging from Chu Choice team, nutritionists, scientists, and weight loss specialists. At last, we have been able to present our first offering, Chu Chu Day, which has quality ingredients to assist the weight management issues and contain vitamins B Complex one needs for daily nutritional care. To build a health supplement with a weight management focus that works is not about combining ingredients, but it is the science and specialty developed and enhanced through experience and high-level technology in order to produce a combination of ingredients that synergize with one another to create the optimum solution. Furthermore, the soul and teamwork dedicated to the offerings are crucial to achieving formulas and products that meet expectations and are genuinely safe for consumers.


Last but not least, Chu Choice is driven by the values and beliefs that everyone has the right to be empowered with confidence within themselves, especially women, through good-looking appearance, better body shape and personality in general. We are living in a world where obesity has been a big threat to our health and killed countless lives. Today, our way of living has changed significantly with people being occupied with every challenge life has to offer. Besides, the exponential growth of the fast-food industry and non-nutritional food has been a major cause of diseases related to obesity such as heart diseases, cancer and diabetes, which not only cost lives but also high hospital bills. Therefore, Chu Choice set out the goal to produce alternatives to let people stay away from such pain and torture. We would love to create a community of good-looking and healthy people with safety as our top priority.