츄 초이스
Made in Korea
outcome x4
체지방 감소
Body Fat Reduction
배변 활동 월활
Improve Bowel Movements
에너지 레벨 증가
Energy Generation
Recommended for
이런 분들에게 추천 드려요
For people who are seeking to lose weight, gain confident
단 한포 섭취로 다양한 체지방 감소 기능을 경험하고 싶으신 분
People who need vitamin B complex that beneficial to them
비타민 B 군
People who want to increase the efficiency of exercise
운동 효과 극대화 원하시는 분
People who eat lots of carbohydrates and fat
밥, 빵,면 등 탄수화물 섭취가 많으신 분
People who did have a regular meal
다이어트, 불규칙한 식생활로 배변 활동이 걱정 이신 분
Why Chu Chu Day?
왜 츄츄데이인가?
We contain enzyme that inhibit the synthesis of carbohydrates into fats
탄수화물이 지방으로 합성되는 것을 억제하는 효소가 함유되어 있습니다.
Improve the metabolism and the ability to burn carbohydrates and fats
신진대사를 향상시키고 탄수화물과 지방을 태우는 능력을 향상시킵니다.
Increase energy levels
에너지 레벨 증가
Improve bowel movements
배변활동 개선
100% intake body needed for Vitamin B
비타민 B 하루 섭취량 100% 충족
Chu Chu day has been developed in a facility with
chu chu day
Take 1 pack (4 pills)
once in the morning before breakfast.
1 box
for 14 days
1 box for 14 days
츄 츄 데이
14 ingredients from 7 countries
มีส่วนผสมของวัตถุดิบ ที่มีสิทธิบัตรใน 7 ประเทศ
Chu Burn Day is Made Traceable with a visible supply chain so you know what you’re putting in your body. Because not all ingredients are created equal.
chicory fiber roots
A rich source of a water-soluble fiber called inulin. Help to maintain healthy bowel function.
vitamin B1
Necessary for the normal carbohydrates and energy metabolism.
vitamin B2
Necessary for the energy production in the body.
vitamin B3
Necessary for the energy production in the body.
vitamin B6
- Necessary for the utilization of proteins and amino acids.
- Necessary for the maintenance of normal blood homocysteine levels.
vitamin B12
United States
Necessary for the normal metabolism of folic acid.
vitamin B5
Necessary for the fat, carbohydrates, protein metabolism and energy generation.
vitamin B7
United States
Necessary for the fat, carbohydrates, protein metabolism and energy generation
Pure tea
Known for helping fat burning.
Known for helping reducing body weight.
Seaweed calcium
- Necessary for bones and teeth formation.
- Necessary for maintaining nerves and muscles function.
- Helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
A rich source of a water-soluble fiber called inulin. Help to maintain healthy bowel function.
Garcinia Cambogia
Help to reduce body fat by inhibiting the synthesis of carbohydrates into fat.
Helps improve athletic performance and endurance.